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the doors…

I was immediately able to find a place in nature to go. It was in my own backyard back in northern Michigan, a small clearing in the back woods of my home where I have spent many an hour sitting and listening to the woods itself, it was my safe place my place to go to relax where no one could find me. after I followed the trail past the brook and through the meadow I did find a tree, it was a very old oak tree that had been there for decades with branches reaching up into the clouds and underneath of it is where I sat and thought, some days it was my only confident, a calm soothing presence that had been there for years and will be there for years more, I left my friend to find the ruble on the side of the cliff, and in the distance I saw something. I found a doorway in the ruble and I did open the door but all I found was more doors and the more doors that I opened the more I would find, it went on and on and on with no end in sight, I wanted to go back to the tree, my guardian my friend, I wanted to be back in my little clearing safe and sound. Not worrying about which door was the right one, the one to show me to the truth, and which door would only lead me to more doors…creepy isn’t it

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